
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Say Hello to Our First Affiliate

Joshua the Anarchist officially has his very first affiliate! Cin Wicked of Cinfully Wicked Critiques. If any of you were wondering why there aren't any good music reviewers on the net, but more game reviewers than you can count, your prayers have been answered. The central feature of Cin's site is a video series called Song Lyric Smackdown, in which he deconstructs the lyrics of various songs. I've reposted one episode of the series below as a teaser. He also reviews RPGs, television shows, and has a book reviewing series planned. The two of us has agreed to collaborate on a number of videos already, so look forward to crossovers and guest appearances aplenty. Check out his stuff, it's fan-damn-tastic!

Visit Cin's website at for music reviews and more!


  1. YES! I love this guy's stuff!

    You made a good pick for a partner.

  2. Happy to be on board Joshua! :D

    @Daikun Aw, thanks it's always good to be loved!
