
Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Lunatic Fringe: Repo! The Genetic Opera

Probably one of the best films of 2008, and it slipped completely under the radar. Joshua the Anarchist gives Repo! The Genetic Opera the attention it deserves.


  1. Joshua dude that was awesome, I will be sure pick this one up.

  2. any movie with the girl from spy kids immediately sucks

  3. Thanks for the recommendation, I watched the movie when you told me to (imagine that!) and came back to watch the review. The sets, costumes, music, and style was so creative and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Just a heads up. The review was very amusing and the end was great, but I feel like there was a little too much summary in the second half or so, especially since you're directing it to an audience who's already seen the movie (for the most part). A little less summary and a little more commentary would've been better methinks.

  4. Yeah, my biggest weakness as a reviewer has always been my inability to balance summary and commentary. As I started getting toward the end I began running out of jokes and the review was getting pretty long, but at the same time I didn't want to speed through things to fast, lest I break the pace. It's a bad habit of mine that I'm doing my best to kick. But don't worry, the next review is already written and believe me, I never ran out of jokes on that one.

  5. What's the name of the song that GraveRobber sings in the graveyard while Shilo watches? I tried googling the list of all the songs, but I couldn't find this one?
