
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Your Daily Dose of Awesomeness

For those of you who wanted to see someone treat Edward the way a normal girl would treat a stalker, I'll do you one better: Buffy kicking Edward's ass!


  1. Bwahahahahahahaha! This almost made me forget about the travesty that is the oscar noms. I think I'm going to use some of the nominees in my next smackdown.

    That reminds me, I should do a response vlog to the Grammys. But then I'd have to actually pay attention to who won the Grammys.

  2. Tell me about it! Can you believe neither Max Records OR Sam Rockwell got nominated for Best Actor?

  3. But I am very happy that Up got nominated for both Best Picture and Best Animated Film. How often have we seen that at the Oscars?

    But, being a semi-Trekkie, I was fairly surprised that... oh, what's his name... whomever played Spock in Star Trek didn't get notice. He was easily the best.

    **Jewelie the Blogger**

  4. Oscar Season drives everyone into a hype.

    I'm still not quite over the SAG awards and the Golden Globes denying Modern Family and Dexter their rightfully earned places as Best Comedy and Best Drama, respectively.

    But now, I've got the Oscars to worry about? How can I write my stories when I have to be concerned about whether Meryl Streep or Sandra Bullock wins for Best Actress, Kathryn Bigelow wins for Best Director, or God-knows-what-else.
