
Sunday, September 6, 2009

VLOG 9/6/09: G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra, District 9, & Inglourious Basterds review

Finally, after countless requests, I get around to reviewing a few of the latest movies. Sorry about the lateness and general poor quality of this one, I've got very little free time right now, and my software just wasn't cooperating.


  1. yayyyy hes back atlast

  2. Welcome back .
    Great reviews as always. Unfortunately I did not get a chance to see District 9 or Inglorious Bastards.
    Unfortunately as well I did see G.I. Joe. As you might know I hated that movie. I think you liked it more than I did because you were not as big a fan as I am. The ones you saw( Sigma 6 and the CGI animated movies ) suck. I suggest you see G.I. Joe: Resolute. That was awesome. The original animated movie is good as well. Also check out the original series if you can. That costumes in the movie would make sense if they wore them only at night but they wore them in the middle of the day. That was stupid. My friends and I agree that Zartan was the best part of that move. Anyway, welcome back.
